Contacting ATS by email

Send me an e-mail - it's quick to do and will reach me in no time at all

Please address any requests for offers, enquiries about assignments or feedback on the website or my blog to


(Use @ instead of "at" and . instead of "dot". This is to prevent spam messages.)
Give me a quick call after sending me an attachment, please, so I know it's coming and can respond quickly. I look forward to hearing from you.

(NB: Translators, please only contact me about freelance work
if you translate from or into German and one of the languages I cover is your mother tongue.
My customers mainly need German-to-English translations. The other requirements you need to meet are listed here in German,
which is a prerequisite for assignments. I look forward to hearing from you.)

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ATS, Amper Translation Service, Carl Carter, email, e-mail, contacts, contact, freelance work, manager, marketing, enquiries, inquiries, blog, projects, website, webmaster, comments